Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today's battle

What a battle today with dizziness. It seems as though I've found ways to make the headaches manageable--atleast for right now, but I wish I could say the same about the dizziness. This is becoming a daily battle and it's getting scary. I went to visit my sister for her birthday and wasn't able to drive because I was so dizzy last night and then I got better for probably about 14 hours or so, and another dizzy spell hit again.

As I was spending the night at my sister's house (my cousin drove my car and obviously also spent the night), they were asking me about my pseudotumor cerebri. I just thought I'd post the questions that they asked and some quick answers--atleast from my experience.

When you get dizzy is it just a quick 15 minute thing and then you're fine?
Not usually. Usually, it ends up in being dizzy for several hours at a time and the only way of relieving it is to sleep through it.

What causes you to get dizzy--is it the headaches?
I have absolutely no idea. That's one thing that I wish I knew the answer to because I feel like I'd be able to combat the dizziness a little bit better.

Do you know ahead of time when it's going to come on (headaches or dizziness)?
Most of the time no, but I have been able to pay close attention to my body and when I begin to feel even the slightest headache coming on, I immediately run to the medication to take because I don't want to end up with a migraine or an IH headache.

What is the difference between an IH headache and a migraine?
Well, up until a few months ago, I hadn't experienced either. All my life I had been lucky in the terms of only getting the occasional headache and nothing that OTC medicine couldn't get rid of right away. The migraines are nasty headaches and occur usually on one side of your head. In my case (but probably not everyone's), it often times feel as though I am being stabbed in the head or even just have a knife sticking out of my head. The IH headache is typically a pressure headache. The way that I described it to the neuros this past week was that I felt like a bucket was on my head squeezing my brain into nothing. The IH headaches can be all over the entire head or located behind the eyes.

Signing off for tonight--dizziness has been cured for the evening--hoping it doesn't return!

***If anyone ever has any questions regarding my experiences or about pseudotumor cerebri, please post them in the comment section and I'll try to answer them in my next post. The only way you will begin to understand what your loved one is going through is by asking and by no means will I be offended with questions!***

iHope for a cure!

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