Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last week of school and a few days until foot surgery....

My IH was acting up pretty bad in May, but seems to be a bit better with a doubled dose of the diuretic to help reduce the spinal fluid. I still haven't heard back from my neuro down at Rush, so I am giving up on her. She is moving to Washington state anyway, so I need a new neuro regardless. I tried getting in with a Neurosurgeon that a facebook IH friend sees at CDH, but he is out of the country for over a month and I know that I can't wait that long. I called my PCP and got a recommendation from her office for a neuro, so I am trying to get in with them. I'm having foot surgery on Thursday, so I don't think I'll wanna even pick up the phone. I haven't been feeling well with the heat the last few days....I've been feeling like I'm going to pass out a lot. I've been drinking water at work like crazy and have even been putting a huge box fan ON my desk to keep me cool if I'm feeling that bad. Didn't really feel like passing out in front of the kids. Who knows what would be tattooed in permanent marker on my face when I woke up! I've been resting a lot when I get home. I usually take a few hour long nap after work. The IH is really draining me of my energy but there are only 2.5 more days of work, so that's a bit encouraging.

Not a whole lot new. Atleast this time I haven't been to the ER twice for treatment! I've been able to manage the headaches better between the fioricet and the vicodin and they are not as bad now that they doubled the diamox.

I'm wishing all of my IH friends a pain-free week and please enjoy the sun and pool for me over the next month since I won't be able to swim from the surgery! :)